Supervised Practice Sessions

Upcoming Supervised Practice Sessions

Instructor/Certified TA will host 2-hour sessions where students practice on each other. Students should come prepared with questions or specific techniques they would like to practice. Instructor may also select a topic for the session with discussion and practice time.

Students should attend at least three practice sessions before registering for the certification program.

Once a student has completed all 20 hours of supervised practice sessions, any additional sessions can be counted as client treatment sessions and should be documented as described later.

Retaking levels 1, 2, or 3 can count toward four practice sessions (eight hours).

Supervised practice sessions do not need to be charted unless student chooses.

Emails will be sent out to students the week prior outlining the practice session locations/schedule.

Payment is made to Instructor/TA at time of session.

Instructor/TA will sign tri-fold pamphlet or mark in Canvas.